African Mud Cloth Self-Portrait.

I did this art lesson with kindergarten. I came up with project after seeing lots of African cloth art lessons and wanted to include simple printing which is part of our curriculum.. I thought of jazzing up the idea a little bit more. Just creating shapes is fine if your looking for a quick 1 class art project. However I thought students could get a better idea of what fabric is for. One of the main things people design fabrics for is for clothes. HELLO! So, by having students create an outfit, draw a picture of themselves wearing it and even showing themselves outside;students were really able to show their imaginations and understand the functional aspects of these designs. There are lots of videos and images on the web for mud cloth fashions and how mud cloth is made that classes watched. I felt this project was pretty successful. The only thing I would change was to demonstrate to students that they could add more colors to their clothing with crayon.
Pictures to come.


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